Saturday, September 17, 2016

How It All Started

It was in September this year when my brother received the approved family sponsorship of his family that started it all.  We knew then that it will be a new beginning for them. Canada has a lot to offer and we want to experience those things, too. It may take a while before we get to our dream but we have to start somewhere to get things going.  

We all used to our routines here in Manila. Wake up early in the morning to beat the traffic; go home late to extend our time to work as it means extra pay; attend to kids' needs at home and in school; pay bills every 15th of the month; eat out on weekends if budget permits, if not, just cook and eat at home; and the list goes on. We tend to spend less time with our kids and focus more on work. We unconsciously doing this but the effect is very visible. Before things get out of hand, we decided to try moving to a new place. We need to get out of our comfort zones, we need a fresh breathing space, we must meet new people and learn something else, we still have to grow as an individual, we need to be together as a family. We need this JOURNEY. 

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